April 12, 2012
Western Kansas Bust

Nick Nolte / Blog, Storm Chasing / / 0 Comments / Like this

Just a quick entry on this day, since it was a bust. I had driven the prior day to Kansas City to begin this little mini chase vacation of five days. The big days were expected to be Friday and Saturday, but Thursday had the potential to be a decent day before the day event. So, from Kansas City I was targetting Dodge City. SPC had a 10% tornado risk for western Kansas and into the panhandles. I met up with Skip, Jonathan, Jennifer and Brad at Subway in Dodge City to watch the data. After a bit we decided that northwest was a better spot to target and headed out that way. Eventually Jonathan and I met up with a group of other chasers and basically sat underneath a blue sky while small cumulus clouds bubbled on the dryline, but nothing really got going.

Chase Recap

Kansas City, MO @ 12/1212ZDodge City, KS @ 13/0215Z14 hours, 3 minutes

NoneBrad Goddard (38)
Guy Rhinehart (5)
James Seitz (15)
James Wilson (13)
Jennifer Brindley Ubl (25)
Jonathan Williamson (56)
Josh Richardson (6)
Rob Hurkes (18)
Skip Talbot (34)
Tim Thomas (7)

Chase Map

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